But if I find that it is due to a lack of effort, I talk to the person immediately in a professional manner. If it is, I take the necessary steps to help my colleague get on track. When I've been in this situation in the past, I first seek to learn if the issue is a lack of training or knowledge. The only real true test of my patience is a coworker that doesn't pull their weight in a team effort. 'As a person that values diversity and differences of opinion in the workplace, there aren't many things that grind my personal gears when it comes to my colleagues. Then, expand on your answer by talking about how you handle those situations.
In your answer, be honest about your pet peeves when it comes to coworkers and do so in a positive light.
While on the surface this question may seem like your interviewer is trying to get you to talk negatively about a situation, it is really more of a test to see what can potentially drive you crazy on the job in a team atmosphere and how you handle those situations.